Check and Manage Your Child’s Android Screen Time

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Brad Bartlett


Android screen time

Screen time – the amount of time that we spend looking at digital screens – is at an all-time high. Globally, we spend nearly 7 hours staring at some sort of device each day. Over an entire year, that adds up to well over 2,500 hours!

For children, this is particularly concerning. Too much screen time during the earliest developmental years has been shown to increase a child’s risk of health problems such as obesity, depression, and even lower performance in school.

Throw in fears of device addiction and cyberbullying, and it’s no surprise that parents are concerned about their child’s amount of screen time!

Fortunately, there are steps that parents can take to manage their child’s screen time on Android devices. At Kidslox, we are committed to empowering parents and guardians to help create safe and healthy digital environments for their families.

Our parental control app gives Android users greater control over their child’s screen time, allowing them to limit how much time can be spent with digital devices.

Let’s take a closer look at how Kidslox helps put an end to digital overwhelm and create a healthier relationship with screen time:

What is Kidslox?

Kidslox is a leading third-party parental control app designed to help families set boundaries for their child’s screen time. One Kidslox account allows parents and guardians to manage their child’s device usage on multiple devices, whether they’re using iOS or Android.

For Android users, having the ability to monitor and control the amount of screen time a child spends with their device is especially valuable. Kidslox makes it easy to set time limits, block inappropriate apps and websites, and even pause the internet with a single tap!

How Does Kidslox Work?

Kidslox works by taking advantage of Android’s built-in user account functionality. Not only does Kidslox offer unparalleled monitoring statistics of how long and when a child uses their device, but Kidslox also allows you to place parental controls over the device.

This means you have greater control over which features and applications a child can access and when they can access them.

Although Android has its own parental controls, Kidslox provides more advanced features that let you set time constraints on specific apps. Not only will this help your child safely enjoy their device, but it’ll also ensure your child doesn’t get carried away with excessive screen time.

Kidslox & Android Screen Time Monitoring Features

Here are just a few of the many tools and features that Kidslox offers to Android users:

1. Measure The Amount of Screen Time Used

Are you wondering just how much time your child is spending on their device? With Kidslox, you can measure the exact amount of screen time used in minutes per day. You can also easily see which apps or websites are most used.

You can also measure what time of the day an Android device was used – making it easy to see if it was used during study time or bedtime.

2. See How Many Times The Device is Unlocked

Every time the screen timeout is deactivated, it counts as an unlock. With Kidslox, you can see how many times the device was unlocked in a day, week, or month. This gives you an idea of how often – and when – the device is being used.

When you know just how often your child is unlocking their device, you can make sure that they’re using it responsibly.

3. See Which Apps were Downloaded & Used

Another key monitoring feature is viewing the apps that were downloaded. Kidslox can also let you see exactly which applications are being used.

For instance, if your child can download and access apps, you’ll see a record of all the apps that have been installed, so you can make sure they’re appropriate for your child.

Plus, if your child attempts to delete an app from their device to hide their trail, Kidslox will keep a record of it.

4. Receive & View Customized Activity Screenshots

Another key feature of Kidslox is the ability to receive automated snapshots of what is happening on the device at any given time.

Parents and guardians can control when and how often screenshots are sent so they can keep an eye on their children’s activities. This gives you granular control over what your kids are doing on their devices.

5. Observe Web Searches & Videos Watched

Surfing the web and watching videos on YouTube are some of the most popular activities for kids. With Kidslox, you can make sure your child is visiting age-appropriate websites and not watching videos that are too mature for them.

Plus, if you don’t want your kid searching the web without supervision, Kidslox has the option to block certain sites while still allowing access to educational and entertaining content. This feature is great for parents who want to protect their kids from mature content online.

Kidslox & Android Screen Time Managing Features

While knowledge is power, you also need the ability to act on the data you collect. Kidslox provides a powerful set of tools to help parents manage and control the amount of time their children spend on their Android devices.

1. Block Specific Apps or the Entire Phone – Remotely

Do you want to shut down your child’s device during family dinners or study time? With Kidslox, you can do that with just a few clicks.

You can block access to specific apps or the entire phone remotely. The app also allows you to set up schedules so your kid knows the rules and when it’s acceptable to use their device. This helps to create boundaries and encourages responsible screen time management.

2. Schedule Downtime on a Recurring Basis

Do you want to make sure your child limits their screen time? With Kidslox, you can schedule downtime on a recurring basis. This feature allows parents to set specific times when devices are not allowed, such as during dinner or bedtime.

When the time is set, Kidslox will automatically initiate an Android screen timeout. So you don’t have to worry about reminding your kids to put away their phones or tablets when it’s time for family activities, dinner, bedtime, or studying.

3. Set Daily Time Limits

Find your child is getting lost in their Android device? You can set daily time limits to encourage balance. This way, you can be sure your children aren’t overusing their devices and prioritize family activities or other hobbies.

With the app’s simple user interface, you can easily set daily screen time limits for each member of your family. Kidslox will then send notifications when they are close to reaching their daily time limit. So you and your child can set realistic expectations and be aware of how much time is being spent on the device.

You can set limits in a device-wide or app-specific manner, which lets you prevent excessive use of particular games while still enabling access to educational apps.

4. Set Up Rewards for Screen Time

Healthy device use is often a matter of balance. Kids need to get suitable amounts of physical activity, social interaction, sleep, study, etc. That’s why some parents like to incentivize these healthy behaviors by offering screen time as a reward, or by allowing screen time only after other, more important things have been accomplished.

With Kidslox, you can set up screen time rewards for any and everything! When your child thinks that they’ve completed the task, they can request the reward. You’ll see the request on your phone and can choose to grant it or not, depending on whether you agree that they’ve finished the assignment. If you agree, the rewarded time will be added to their daily limit for the day. That way, your child learns to incorporate healthy habits into their daily routine!


Why Should I Care About My Child’s Android Screen Time?

It’s important to monitor your child’s Android screen time for a variety of reasons. Excessive screen time can lead to physical and mental health problems, including obesity, poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression, and difficulty concentrating. By tracking your child’s activity on their device, you can make sure they are not overusing it.

Does Android Lock Screen Time Automatically?

No, Android does not have a built-in feature to automatically lock your screen. You will need to download a third-party app like Kidslox in order to set limits and rewards for your children’s device usage.

What Is Android Screen Timeout?

Android Screen Timeout simply refers to the amount of time the screen stays on when it’s inactive, before changing to the lock screen. If you want to send a device to lock mode yourself, you’ll need the Kidslox mode toggle, or set a screen time limit on Kidslox to turn the device off after a set amount of screen time.

How to Check Time Spent on Apps Android?

The best way to check the amount of time spent on android apps is to download a third-party app like Kidslox. This will give you detailed insights into your children’s device usage, including the time spent on each app and when it was used. It also allows you to set limits and rewards for appropriate tech use.

Is There An Android Screen Time App?

iPhones have a built in Screen Time app, but unfortunately, it does not interact with Android devices at all. However, you can still use third-party apps like Kidslox to manage your children’s device usage in a similar way, and actually, we’d recommend using Kidslox on iOS too to open up even more possibilities.

How To Get Started With Kidslox

Are you ready for a new way to help your children manage their digital diet without downloading yet another Android screen time app? Kidslox is your one-stop shop for all the features you need to keep your children safe and their digital health in check.

Getting started with Kidslox is easy! You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play, create an account, and start setting up your Kidslox controls on all devices in your home network.

With a single account, you can monitor multiple devices, set up restrictions and rewards, and enjoy peace of mind knowing your children are using their tech in a safe and responsible manner.

Start today by exploring  the Kidslox website to learn more. Discover just how easy it is to set up controls for your children’s Android devices – and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing your kids are safe online.