A Parent’s Guide to Instagram’s Vanish Mode

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Brad Bartlett


Instagram disappearing messages

What is Instagram’s ‘vanish mode’ – and is it safe for kids and teens to use?

It feels like there’s always a new feature on social media platforms that parents need to be aware of. And as your kids become teens, they want the freedom to engage and post on these platforms – and platforms are more than ready to provide the outlet.

Instagram’s vanish mode is one such feature that has caught the attention of many parents. This feature – much like Snapchat’s post-and-disapppear feature – allows users to send messages that disappear after they are viewed. But what exactly is vanish mode and how can parents ensure their teens are using it safely?

What is Vanish Mode?

Vanish mode is a feature on Instagram that allows users to send temporary, disappearing messages in their direct chats.

When activated, any messages, photos, or videos sent in this mode will automatically disappear once both users have viewed the content and left the chat. This feature is similar to Snapchat’s disappearing messages, which have been popular among younger users for years.

Naturally, this has led to some concerns by parents – from the potential for cyberbullying to the spread of inappropriate content. That’s why knowing what the feature is – and how to engage with it with your child – is key.

Why Would You Use Vanish Mode?

Vanish Mode is designed to offer users a way to have more private, temporary conversations. The feature aims to provide a sense of casual, in-the-moment communication without leaving a permanent record.

For teens, in particular, it can feel like a more “real” or spontaneous way to chat, mimicking face-to-face conversations.

How To Use Vanish Mode

Understanding how vanish mode works is crucial for parents who want to guide their teens in using this feature responsibly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use vanish mode, along with some important points to discuss with your child:

Accessing Vanish Mode

To access vanish mode, your teen must open the Instagram app on their mobile device. They should then navigate to their Direct Messages by tapping the paper airplane icon in the screen’s top right corner.

From there, they can select an existing chat or start a new conversation with one of their connections. It’s important to note that vanish mode is only available for one-on-one conversations with users they’re connected to.

Activating Vanish Mode

Once in a chat, activating vanish mode is simple. Your teen needs to swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

When they do this, they’ll notice the screen change to a darker theme, often accompanied by falling emoji animations. This visual change is a clear indicator that vanish mode is now active. Both users in the conversation will receive a notification that vanish mode has been turned on, ensuring everyone is aware of the change in conversation type.

Using Vanish Mode

When vanish mode is activated, it changes how messages are handled. Any messages, photos, or videos sent during this time will automatically disappear after they’ve been seen and the chat is closed.

Your teen must understand that despite this temporary nature, the content they send can still have lasting impacts. They should use the same discretion as they would in regular chats. Users can still send text, images, videos, voice messages, and stickers as they would in a normal chat, but with the understanding that these will not be permanently stored.

How to Turn Vanish Mode On and Off

So, how can you manage the Instagram vanish mode on different devices?

For iPhone and Android devices:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your device.
  2. Tap the message icon (paper airplane) in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select a chat or start a new conversation.
  4. In the chat, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.
  5. You’ll see the screen change and a message saying, “You turned on vanish mode.”
  6. To turn it off, simply swipe up again from the bottom of the screen.

Here are a few key notes to keep in mind:

  • Both users need to have the latest version of Instagram installed for vanish mode to work.
  • Vanish mode is only available for one-on-one conversations, not group chats.
  • If vanish mode isn’t available, make sure both users are following each other or have previously connected.

For Instagram on desktop:

Here’s the good news: As of now, vanish mode is not available on the desktop version of Instagram. This feature is limited to mobile devices only – so you won’t have to worry about your child getting around any precautions you’ve put in place on their devices.

What Are the Concerns With Vanish Mode?

False Sense of Security

While vanish mode promises temporary, disappearing messages, it’s crucial to understand that true digital privacy is never guaranteed. Users, especially teens, might believe their messages are safe from being preserved or shared.

However, the recipient can still take screenshots (although the sender will be notified) or use another device to capture the content. This false sense of security might lead to sharing information or images that users wouldn’t normally send in a standard chat, potentially leading to regrettable decisions.

Cyberbullying and Harassment

The temporary nature of vanish mode messages could embolden bullies or harassers. They might feel more confident sending hurtful or inappropriate content, believing there won’t be a lasting record of their actions.

Parents should be aware that while vanish mode doesn’t inherently cause bullying, it could potentially be used as a tool by those with malicious intent.

‘Sexting’ and Inappropriate Content

Teens might view vanish mode as a “safe” way to engage in sexting or sharing explicit content, assuming the temporary nature protects them from consequences.

This misconception can lead to risky behavior, potentially resulting in emotional distress, reputation damage, or even legal issues if explicit content involving minors is shared. It’s vital for parents to discuss the permanence of digital actions, even in seemingly temporary formats like vanish mode.

Potential for Secrecy and Deception

While privacy is important, excessive use of vanish mode might indicate that a teen is engaging in conversations they want to hide from parents or guardians.

This could range from harmless but embarrassing chats to more serious situations involving peer pressure, online predators, or engagement in risky behaviors. The feature’s design for privacy could inadvertently create a barrier between teens and the adults who aim to protect them.

Addiction to Instant Gratification

The ephemeral nature of vanish mode can feed into the addictive aspects of social media, encouraging constant checking and immediate responses. This “now or never” approach to messaging might increase screen time and social media dependency, potentially impacting mental health and real-world social skills.

Engaging With Your Child or Teen About Instagram

Open and honest communication is key to helping your child navigate the digital world safely:

  • Begin conversations about social media before or as soon as your child starts using platforms like Instagram. Show genuine interest in their online activities and experiences.
  • Approach discussions without criticism. Your child is more likely to open up if they don’t fear negative reactions or punishment.
  • Instead of yes/no questions, ask things like “What do you enjoy most about Instagram?” or “How do you decide what to post?” This encourages more detailed responses.
  • Keep up-to-date with Instagram’s features and trends. This knowledge will help you have more relevant conversations and understand your child’s experiences better.
  • Model healthy social media habits in your own life. This can include setting device-free times or being mindful of what you share online.
  • Encourage a balance between online and offline activities. Discuss the importance of maintaining in-person relationships alongside digital ones.
  • Assure your child they can come to you with any concerns or mistakes without fear of harsh judgment. This open-door policy is crucial for maintaining trust and communication.

Don’t Fear Tech – Become Tech Informed

As a parent or guardian, you want to know that your child is safe using their devices and engaging in online activities. But don’t let the risks paralyze you.

Rather than letting fear dictate your approach to technology, become informed and knowledgeable. Understand the different platforms and apps your child uses, and try to stay updated on any new developments or trends.

This will not only help you have more relevant conversations with your child about their digital activities but also allow you to better monitor and guide them towards responsible and safe online behavior.

At Kidslox, we are committed to helping you stay informed and empowered when it comes to your child’s technology use. Our parental control app enables you to supervise and track your child’s screen time, blocking inappropriate content. It offers peace of mind by letting your child explore their digital world safely. Check out our latest guides and insight blogs to learn more about what’s going on in the digital space and how you can safeguard your child’s online experience.